
Library – What you will find.

Canlib will develop a model information infrastructure to facilitate the development of a complete cancer information library. The model will be developed and adjusted according to feedback and user interaction.

As a resource, the library will contain selections of information from across the EU. This information will include but is not limited to:

– Complete sets of documentation arranged by their specific cancer areas and language availability

– By their constituent parts: i.e. sets of texts, images and other media.

– Tools for editing data and media

– Documents on models for dissemination and promotion at health activities organised locally

– Access to support services

The intention is to invite participation from all EU countries and beyond, eventually covering all language sets.

The content of the library above, will be open to all and offered to communities of users and citizens as a resource.

Support the translation, editing and adaptation of content to meet local language, culture or religious need.

Provide processes to identify and support information quality and accuracy.

Provide a place for own initiative to be stored, reviewed and used by other communities who will then benefit from your work, as you will from theirs.

Additional information, mainly image and multimedia content, will be sourced from other sectors and added to the library as added value resources.

Provide social networking tools to allow the sharing of positive experiences, information and ideas with others, transnationally.

The partnership of experts, together with other groups and individuals, will use the library to extend current sets of existing on line content and identify the potential value of this as an ongoing service.

Support services, will be provided to assist and encourage the use of both the tools and content.